Maybe I should invest in lotto tickets

So with the global markets going bi-polar; I’ve begun to wonder if investing in lotto tickets might be a better investment option than traditional 401ks.  I’ll probably have the same chances for striking it rich and I’ll have the added security of knowing I won’t have to rely on then (future tense) defunct Social Security system. Sure there’s a chance I could win nothing and end up living with my kids, but the odds are fairly even that’ll happen anyways.

Of course, I could be wrong, maybe the markets will recovery and everything will work out. Maybe people won’t be watching every headline and have a freak out which leads them to sell everything, only to buy back the next day. Maybe I’d be safer, taking money and hiding it like a Leprechaun in a well or pot of some sort. I’m not sure…. just like the day traders watching their stock analytics every 5 minutes thinking they’re building “long term equity” by trading consistently.

Long term equity is built by long term investments.  How you define “long term” is different for everyone, but in ALL CASES it is longer than 5 minutes! Let’s face facts here people, we are in a recession, which means the economy is in the hospital. Not the ICU version life support (depression), but “the economy was in a car crash, it’s fine but needs some time to heal” kind. Stop reading every headline with doom and gloom. Take a moment to yourself and when you invest, know that you’re investing for one or more years. I like the general rule of 5, which is don’t invest money that you’ll need in the next 5 years.

Things will get better… Now does anyone know if investing if lotto tickets is tax deductible?